
New Day Dawns for MassHealth Program

The MassHealth Accountable Care Organization (ACO) program went live last Thursday with more than 800,000 plus enrollees affected by new rules that change the way they are matched with providers and how those providers are paid.

As has been reported extensively over the past few months, the state and providers have been working diligently to ensure that such a massive change occurs with as minimum disruption as possible.

“This program is not the first Medicaid ACO initiative in the country, but is one of the most ambitious in terms of the percentage of our Medicaid population that will be affected, the downside risk that is required of all ACOs, and the amount of detail put into its development,” said MHA President & CEO Steve Walsh. “MHA is proud of the efforts of our member hospitals, health systems, and physician organizations in working with the Baker Administration toward a successful launch.  We look forward to seeing the MassHealth ACO program succeed in the months and years ahead.”