
The Public Health Implications of Question 3

The Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association (MHA) was an early endorser of the Yes on 3 campaign for a variety of reasons, including the association’s vehement opposition to any form of discrimination. But there are clear public health reasons for voting yes on 3.

A yes vote on Question 3 supports upholding Chapter 134 of the Acts of 2016– existing law that prohibits discrimination based on gender identity in public places, such as hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and stores.

Transgender people are more likely to face acts of violence than non-transgender people, and because they are frequently attacked, bullied, and marginalized, transgender men and women are at higher risk for suicide, among other health concerns. The health of our society’s transgender members is at risk because of the discrimination that Chapter 134 seeks to eliminate. It is for these health reasons, as much as for the fundamental reasons of opposing discrimination, that MHA supports Yes on 3, upholding the state’s transgender anti-discrimination law.