
Wall Street Journal Weighs in on Question 1

It’s rare that a state-specific ballot question garners national attention, but because Question 1 holds the promise of such negative consequences, the Wall Street Journal last Thursday penned an editorial entitled: “Bad Bedside Manner in Massachusetts.”

“Massachusetts has some of the best medical care in the world, but a ballot measure next month could start its erosion by raising costs and reducing access,” the Journal editors wrote. “… ‘I never want to come into work and have to deliberate whether or not I will be able to legally care for my patients,’ Sturdy Memorial nurse Meghan Aldrich says. ‘If Question 1 passes, I will constantly be faced with a moral dilemma—to break the law and provide care outside of my ratio, or let a patient suffer.’ … Voters – future patients nearly all – have every reason to reject Question 1.”

The full WSJ editorial is here.