
NQF Offers Broad Suggestions on Star Ratings

The National Quality Forum (NQF) weighed in, to a limited extent, on the five-star hospital rating system that has been derided by many in the healthcare field as being an overly simplified and inaccurate way to communicate hospital quality.
NQF held a star rating summit in August to generate feedback on how to improve the system. Last week, NQF released three recommendations: 1) be clear about the program intent and goals; 2) be transparent about what the star ratings do and do not convey; and 3) design data presentations to meet consumer priorities and other user needs. 
Beneath the broad recommendations were more substantial suggestions such as regrouping measures to reflect “clinically meaningful domains and service lines,” and balancing the summary rating with the ability to “drill down for more detailed information.”
NQF’s 20-page report is here.