Committees & Councils
MHA’s five standing committees are composed of experts in key areas of patient care, healthcare operations, public advocacy, and health equity.
They convene to discuss shared challenges and opportunities within their organizations, to construct shared strategies and initiatives to improve care delivery, and to ultimately guide the association’s Board of Trustees on its strategic direction. A member of the MHA Board of Trustees chairs each committee.

Standing Committee on Diversity, Health Equity, and Inclusion (SCODHEI)
Advises the MHA Board and staff on strategies, initiatives, data, and partnerships that will advance diversity, cultural competency, health equity, and inclusion among our healthcare workforce and institutions.
Chair: Joseph R. Betancourt, M.D., MPH
President, The Commonwealth Fund

Clinical Issues Advisory Council (CIAC)
Advises the MHA Board on the clinical leadership perspective to advance the quality and accountability in patient care. The Council plays a key role in shaping MHA’s positions and strategies as they relate to medical errors, patient safety, and regulatory quality oversight.
Chair: Assaad J. Sayah, M.D., FACEP
Chief Executive Officer, Cambridge Health Alliance

Standing Committee on Public Affairs (SCOPA)
Advises the MHA Board on how to positively influence public policy and opinion on healthcare through advocacy, communication strategies, and programs.
Chair: David McCready, MBA
President & CEO, Southcoast Health System

Continuum of Care Council (CCC)
Advises the MHA Board on opportunities to optimize cross-continuum collaboration and address the regulatory and clinical barriers that are impeding this vital work.
Chair: David Coggins, MS, PT
CEO, Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of New England

Standing Committee on Finance (SCOF)
Advises the MHA Board on trends and developments in insurance markets, environmental payment systems, and on developing policy in these areas.
Chair: Darlene M. Rodowicz, MBA, FHFMA
President & CEO, Berkshire Health Systems