Globe Story Provides an Inside Look at Healthcare Dynamics

“It’s a broken system, and we’re doing our best to fix it.”
That was the gist of a thoughtful Boston Globe story posted last Friday, which spelled out many of the dynamics now defining Massachusetts’ provider community, while also following the experiences of MHA President & CEO Steve Walsh.
The piece, written by veteran Globe reporter Robert Weisman, touched upon the major capacity and labor constraints that are challenging hospitals’ ability to deliver care. South Shore Hospital is one such organization that has operated over its capacity for many months.
“You’re doing something right,” Walsh said at a recent meeting of the South Shore Health Board of Trustees, which the Globe attended. “You’re 200 people over census, and there’s no chaos. That’s remarkable.”
The hot-button issue of healthcare costs was also covered, with Walsh explaining that arguments around affordability too often devolve into a “blame game.” “We have to push back on this ridiculousness,” he was quoted as telling the South Shore leaders.
And in perhaps the most resonant point for local providers, the piece shared Walsh’s view that the worsening healthcare crisis is still flying under the radar. “The fragility of the healthcare system right now is beyond what anybody outside the walls of healthcare understands,” he said.