MEMBER MOMENTS: Mass. Health Council Honors Schuster, Equity Leaders
The Mass. Health Council (MHC) holds its always-popular annual awards dinner on October 11 at the Cyclorama on Tremont St. in Boston.
MHC honors individuals and groups that advance the health and wellbeing of people in the commonwealth. This year’s honorees are Christine Schuster, R.N., the president & CEO of Emerson Health and Chair of the MHA Board of Trustees; Edward Kaye, M.D., CEO and director of Stoke Therapeutics; and Ivana Magovcevic-Liebisch, president and CEO of Vigil Neuroscience.
MHC is also recognizing the leadership of the Health Equity Compact, which is made up of 80 leaders of color, including many from MHA member organizations. Compact leadership honorees are: Rosa Colon-Kolacko, from Tufts Medicine; Michael Curry, from Mass. League of Community Health Centers; Filaine Deronnette, from 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers, and Mass. AFL-CIO; Juan Fernando Lopera, from Beth Israel Lahey Health; Manny Lopes, formerly from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mass.; Nancy Norman, M.D., from the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership; and Jeffrey Sánchez, from Sánchez Strategies.
MHC’s dinner theme this year is “Where Culinary Meets Cause,” and will feature local chefs teamed with high school culinary students.