MHA Comment on CHIA’s Quarterly Hospital Finance Report

from Daniel McHale, Senior Vice President, Healthcare Finance & Policy
“CHIA’s latest report should serve as an enormous red flag on the state of hospital finances in Massachusetts, which have only worsened after four-plus years of unrelenting cost pressures. Hospitals are treating sicker patients in need of longer stays, all while trying to navigate ever-increasing labor and supply costs.
“The growing list of financial burdens now being funneled toward providers is of equal concern. Hospitals will be saddled with hundreds of millions to cover the state’s near-historic Health Safety Net shortfall on their own. And they are spending even more to cover the costs of care for patients who cannot access a post-acute bed and to navigate an overly complex insurance authorization system. These losses will only intensify following anticipated Medicaid cuts and if affordable drug pricing programs are scaled back. Hospitals are paying the price to keep the system afloat, and these factors must be addressed through collaborative public policy and assistance from other components of the healthcare community.
“It will take everyone – providers, insurers, government partners, and beyond – to embrace bold solutions, set our local hospitals on a definitive road to recovery, and keep care accessible for the millions of patients across the commonwealth.”